Saturday, June 9, 2012


Sekitar minggu lepas, didapati Gambit Saifullah telah terbang ke Sydney, Australia untuk bermain permainan poker di sana. Tujuan asalnye melancong bertukar lain apabila peserta lain menganggap bahawa Gambit adalah seorang peserta yang berasal dari Brazil. LOL hidung kembang ade hati mahu berdarahkan Latin Amerika.

Apabila ditanyakan oleh seorang follower-nye di twitter sama ada dia serius dengan berkenaan permainan poker itu, Gambit dengan bangganye menjawab “of course, I’m a pro”. Tidak pasti sama ada perkara ini betul ataupun tidak, kite tunggu jawapan dari tuan punye badan sendiri.



  1. gambit ni sememangnya artis yang bermasalah.. Dari dulu sampailah sekarang...

  2. hehehehhhe..berani buat statement sedemikian..

  3. aku memang menyampah gila ngan dia.....

  4. Latin American, Hispanics, Arabs, Hindu Aryans, they all look alike,
    and for most European or Oceania people, they do regard a face like that dude, Gambit as Mexican or Brazilian. It's no strange news, man.
    Maybe you need to travel the world more often. Your knowledge of ancestral genealogy sucks. Tanned skin, high cheekbones, deep dark set of eyes, amber lips & androgynous features are common even for a handsome guy like that in Latin America. He does have that average Latino LOOK.

    As a blogger your criticism perceives the ignorance as what your opinion sounded like.

    And FYFI, POKER does not mean having to associate with GAMBLING.
    Poker is a versatile game, from arcade to deck boards.
    It could be anything, with or without involving cash rewards.
    Poker (online game) is also just a game.

    He likes POKER, so be it. Unless it's in LAS VEGAS, yeah, it's illegal.
    But as far as my geographical facts have taught me, Australian plays arcade POKER. It means, any 5 year old can play poker over there.
    In the US, it's restricted to 16 year olds and above.

    Before you decide to hate someone, being displeased with a person who does you no harm while enjoying the pleasure of humiliating an innocent person, do me a favor, at least - GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT.

